Hi, I'm Jose 👨‍💻

M.A. Economics with a Minor in Computational Math | NLP | Developer


Hi, I'm Jose 👨‍💻

M.A. Economics with a Minor in Computational Math | NLP | Developer

Safe Isolation

Safe Isolation

This document explores the heterogeneities in compliance with the isolation measures within the municipalities of Colombia that were treated with Ingreso Solidario program implemented as an unconditional transfer given to poor individuals to face the economic and health emergency caused by Covid-19. Using local mobility data, the announcement of payment of Ingreso Solidario, and effective treatment of the program, a differences-in-differences methodology was proposed under the spectrum of an event study for the first disbursement of the Ingreso Solidario program, this was made in order to find heterogeneities between groups of poorer and richer municipalities. The results point to the existence of heterogeneity in the compliance with isolation measures between the groups analyzed in the study.